Android 15 features: Everything you need to know about confirmed and leaked features
cydia applications :: Article Creator My 20 Must-Have Cydia Apps & Tweaks For IPhone Until 2 days ago I was running iOS 4.2 beta on my iPhone 4. Then limera1n came out, and considering that 4.2 beta wasn't't exactly running "smoothly" on my iPhone, and furthermore considering the lack of breakthrough features of 4.2 for the iPhone, I decided to go back to 4.1 and jailbreak once again. You can read everything about iOS 4.1 and the compatible Cydia apps here. I missed jailbreak. I missed the tweaks and the customization, the possibility to FaceTime on 3G and the unlimited apps in folders. I missed just about everything of what the jailbreak community offers, and that's what you get by living on the edge of software. When I went back to 4.1 and started pulling apps from Cydia again, I realized there's this list of apps and tweaks I install every time a new jailbreak is out. Every single time. Just like I did for the iP...