File Under Cool: 5 Windows 11 File Explorer Alternatives - PCMag

In Windows 11, Microsoft has improved the File Explorer with a simplified toolbar, redesigned icons, and color-coded folders—but you can do better. You can get tags, tabs (which Microsoft has said is coming to File Explorer in a later update), and other conveniences by using a third-party File Explorer replacement.

The Windows 11 File Explorer

The Windows 11 File Explorer

An important thing to note is that, even though we call them "File Explorer replacements," the standard File Explorer remains available after you install one. The new software can be set as the default, though that requires registry changes.

Should You Replace Windows 11's File Explorer?

Though replacing the File Explorer may enhance your productivity or just offer a more pleasing experience, a downside is that you're not getting the standard system that other Windows 11 users have. I personally use the stock File Explorer for that reason and am a fan of its Quick Access feature. Most of the replacements, however, work as wrappers around the File Explorer to add features and change the experience. You don't risk much in trying them, as some File Explorer replacements are free and the rest are low-cost.

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All of these alternatives to the File Explorer add tabs; some also add easier tagging, folder creation, dual panes, and encryption. Some give you a column view like that in macOS's Finder. If those enhancements appeal to you, read on to learn what each of the best File Explorer replacements have to offer.

Files (which appears as "Files App" in the app store) is an excellent, popular, free, and open-source replacement for the Windows 11 Files Explorer. You can get it in three ways: download it directly from the Microsoft Store app where it won a Best app award(Opens in a new window), download it from the organization's website, or get its source code from GitHub.

The Files app uses the same new icons that arrived with Windows 11 and adds tabs and an experimental tagging feature you can enable for folders and files. Choose a design theme for added personalization. Files lets you use a Mac Finder-like column layout or a dual-pane view. Like the stock Explorer, Files App works with cloud storage services such as OneDrive (the default) and Google Drive, and it can preview and unzip files. The program is often updated with new features, such as the recent Compact mode.

One Commander came in as a runner-up in the Microsoft Store App Awards. It's free, with a Pro version available for $24 for business use. One Commander offers dual-pane browsing, tabs, columns navigation, tags (including color tags), editable themes, and built-in preview, among other features. When you first install One Commander, you get a choice of layout and whether or not to calculate folder content size, which increases CPU usage but is ideal for people who care about disk space usage.

Each panel can have multiple tabs, and you can stack the panels vertically or use a horizontal arrangement. When you dig into a folder structure, columns for the earlier folder collapse with small labels, like C:, Users, Documents, and so on. You can choose between the colorful new Windows 11 standard folder icons and flat, line-drawn ones. The program has a wealth of settings for detailed configuration. A portable option can be installed from a USB stick to any folder, letting you move your settings to another PC.

RX Explorer is one of the more distinctive-looking options for a File Explorer substitute, with a photo background and tabs. The paid ($2.49) version gets you a lot more than the free version, including a vertical split view. In addition to its pleasing look, RX Explorer offers a secure area locked down with AES encryption, a Quick Start panel for frequently used apps, and support for the QuickLook file viewer. If you're a Fluent Design system geek, you can even choose whether you want Acrylic or Mica material(Opens in a new window) for the background.

Another finalist in the Microsoft Store awards, Shrestha Files Pro X offers multiple tabs, dual panes, editable bookmarks for folders, and custom color themes. At setup, it takes you through a wizard tutorial of tooltips showing you how to use it. Dual pane mode can split the windows either vertically or horizontally, and you can drag tabs around in both just like in a web browser. This option doesn't offer a macOS-like view with columns, however. That said, it's one of the simplest and easiest on the eyes among the File Explorer replacements listed here.


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